Keep Students Enrolled Year After Year
Colleges and universities go to great lengths to attract a right-fit student body.
On-campus ball pits and water slides? Got it. Napping stations in the library? Of course.
In-dorm movie theatres? We’re listening.
We don’t know much about water slides, but we are funnel experts; specifically the
enrollment funnel. Our advanced platform of enrollment tools brings students into that
funnel and keeps financial barriers at bay from day one through graduation. We may not
have napping stations, but we like our odds, and so will you.
How We Fuel Your Pipeline
Engage Right-Fit Students Early
Smart communications meet students where they are, as early
as 9th grade.
Strengthen Enrollment Rates
Exceed your enrollment goals and usher in a more-informed
student body with the help of our proactive, personalized
communications platform.
Boost Retention
Pave a clear path all the way to graduation so students don’t
experience discouraging financial surprises that lead to
dropping out.